Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where did January go!

Despite all best intentions I seem to have gotten 2011 off to a terrible, terrible start.  I would love to blame it on my on going Tonsillitis (seriously 5 weeks now), the shock of getting Engaged (which apparently ends in marriage) or misplacing my motivation in Tasmania.  But really I've just been slack! 

So I started myself off with a simple easy task of making some silk pom pom & leather headbands.

What are fabric pom pom's you ask, here is a better photo than i could take: 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Return

Well here I am back from my holiday, feeling nice and refreshed and Tonsilitis-ee.  As I'm moping and feeling sorry for myself you will just have to make do with checking out these awesome new  Etsy Treasury listings featuring Moi: Here & here
