Friday, June 25, 2010

RIP Hyacinth

Today is a sad, sad day.  After the last few weeks, okay days, of dedicated sewing for my market stall tomorrow i discovered that Hyacinth, my overlocker is gravely ill.  Sadly this means all those missed social engagements and sobriety were pointless.  I have had to cancel the market stall tomorrow, and take Hyacinth to Overlocker hospital.  I would also like to speak of the braveness of the hat Hyacinth killed this morning as well.  Better go have some Gin to calm my nerves


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friday Awesomeness

Woo Hoo Friday!!!! I get to go home and sew for the WHOLE weekend.  Could a little girl dream of something more wonderful, but why the sudden burst of productivity you ask.... Because I'll be selling at The North Melbourne Market, Sunday 27th June.  See you there


Monday, June 14, 2010

Brisvegas Baby!

I dragged my sorry self down to Brisbane for the long weekend to see the amazing exhibition .  Did it blow my mind!  What an amazing and inspiring exhibition.  I even took some poor friends with me who don't love hats (blasphemers!!!) their rave review was:  'I liked it WAY more than I expected'.

I must investigate getting this hat by Stephen Jones for Giles Deacon, that i affectionately named 'Grug' (middle, black feathery thing).... The perfect walk of shame hat if ever i saw one, certainly would've come in handy on Monday.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Total Betty Bow

Some movies have a profound effect on your life- like Clueless.  Sure, it's based on a Jane Austen novel but it had an entertainment factor of 10, and an educational level of 1.3.  Some of the things i learnt were:  I will always want the gay guy, I really don't live in Beverley Hills and the biggest compliment you can give someone is to call them a Betty.

This bow hair clip will make anyone look like a Betty


Sunday, June 6, 2010

* Insert witty headline*

I googled memorable quotes by Cindy from the Brady Bunch for a witty headline and frankly, there wasn't anything.  The poor girl had a dull script and according to my web search is now happily married to a medical equipment sales men.  However the Cindy hat i designed appears to be a favourite.  Seems Cindy got a lucky break after all

Sorry for the artistic shot, I'm in a monogamous relationship with Hipstamatic


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why i want a moustache

During my angst ridden teenage years I dressed one part bag lady, one part a goth...these delightful clothes came from Camberwell market. For you Cambie market regulars, this was back in the days of the Christian Rock Elvis impersonater & the magnificent tattooed Lady; with fierce red hair and tattoos all over her face. Mostly i loved  her 'ringkeepers moustache' tattoo and  attitude.  I longed for my own moustache. One day when i was 18, a friend wrestled me to the ground, drew one on me in eyeliner, then dragging me to pub in Foot- is- gray. What a night, hey Jane?

Years after rumaging through piles of discount clothing next to her, I discovered that this women was Vali Myers.  I had the fortune of spending a day with her in her studio during the winter of 2001.  She showed me and my boyfriend drawings, made us tea, spoke about her life back in Paris and kept telling my boyfriend how 'very, very attractive' he was.  We were invited to spend the evening drinking Vodka with her, which for some reason we never did.... what a shame.

How rare someone like Vali Myers is.  If you don't know her work, you should be ashamed, or you could just have a peek here:

So what was the point of this again....ah yes.  Should i get this tattoo: